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Scissors Tools of The Trade For Pet And Hair Stylists
Apr 6th, 2023

These last few years have been challenging for the artists that use scissors to earn their living! The ever-rising pressure to reduce costs has led to abundant scissors on the market, and the selection is vast. It seems over time, the main focus is the cost of the good sold. When purchasing scissors, the most significant need you will have is how do I maintain the tool. The purchase price is a small part of it...

Time Bring Changes
Apr 18th, 2022

Its Mid April 2022 Its a bit of a cold day here, its snowing and a bit dull and overcast. The rising costs to do business in this days market is a bit perplexing to all ! Things are changing fast, which requires us to adapt our ways. The hard facts of business, we all still have customers to please and service...

Recent Testimonials

  • "In the seven years I've been grooming, I've lived in two provinces and have had my shears sharpened by five sharpeners in four Canadian provinces. Brian is the first sharpener in that time to be able to show me how to improve my scissor work, reduce muscle pain and keep my shears lasting! He's improved many of my shears cutting ability, and several of them cut better than when they arrived to me brand new. Truly worth every penny!"
  • “Brian, I'm being a good girl and oiling my blades every day... my clippers are so happy. I remember now being taught to do this in grooming school but had long since forgotten and never did it.. in all the years I've been grooming, no other sharpener explained the importance of this step or told me this is why all my clippers crap out on me. I really appreciate your wisdom and skill.”

Please feel free to send us your testimonial. Click Here to send us your testimonial.